CD+S Online is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published every couple of years and features more in-depth articles than the News.

About CD+S Online

As part of the CDSS Centennial, this peer-reviewed journal, which appeared in print from the late 1960s to the early 1990s, returned as CD+S Online in April 2016. In its rebooted form, CD+S Online is a publication that offers an opportunity for those who love and think seriously about our arts to present their research in an entertaining and scholarly way for readers around the world interested in traditional dance, music, and song rooted in England and North America. Articles in CD+S Online are longer and more detailed than those found in its sister publication, CDSS News, and represent an exploration of the past, a celebration of the present, speculations as to the future, and a means for future generations to mark the status and development of our shared art form at any given point in time. 

Call for Proposals

Proposals for articles are accepted at any time. Send your proposal (350-word; i.e., one page) to (Please read the Submissions and Style guidelines before submitting a proposal.)

Allison Thompson
General Editor, CD+S Online

CD+S Online Review Board

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